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Re: Gallery and Commentary for Copenhagen Mamenchisaurus

 DinoBoyGraphics@aol.com writes:

<< I can't speak to the publics impression of camarasaur neck length, but we 
have two at the Wyoming Dinosaur Center, and the neck is not much longer than 
is needed to reach the ground (especially with the difficulty in lowering the 
neck with the upward oriented cervico-dorsal region...).  Not that the anatomy 
supports (in this case) grazing, but the energetics wouldn'tbe too 
unfavorable. >>

       Here I must object to the term "grazing" which implies grass eating 
and a necessity to eat at ground level. Again, I don't think anyone is saying 
that. Shoulder level would be just fine. What is so difficult about the concept 
of partitioning the available food sources in trophic levels according to neck 
morphology? Perhaps most sauropods could rear-up bear fashion in order to 
snag a piece of vegetation. 
       Seems like this is becoming more of a political argument. DV