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RE: T rex feathers

> From: owner-dinosaur@usc.edu [mailto:owner-dinosaur@usc.edu]On Behalf Of
> Friedmanhvj@aol.com

If and when T. rex feathers are discovered, the describers would have to
write up their discoveries in a technical paper and subject it to peer
review. Only then would they announce their discoveries.

So patience, people, patience. If Paul has discovered some, we will find out
about them in due course. If he hasn't, well, someone else will have to...

> About Dr.Paul Sereno (Field Museum in Chicago) well, well...he is
> one of the
> most famous  paleontologists of our time and his digs in the Sahara are
> legendary.

Indeed.  However, and this is already on the record (in Larson's Rex
Appeal), he is examining a small tyrannosaurid specimen from the Lance Fm.
from eastern Wyoming. (I have actually seen this specimen out in the field,
but it wasn't prepared at all at that time).

                Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.
                Vertebrate Paleontologist
Department of Geology           Director, Earth, Life & Time Program
University of Maryland          College Park Scholars
                College Park, MD  20742
Phone:  301-405-4084    Email:  tholtz@geol.umd.edu
Fax (Geol):  301-314-9661       Fax (CPS-ELT): 301-405-0796