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Two 2002 publications on extinction
J.H. Hartman, K.R. Johnson, D.J. Nichols, eds., 2002.
The Hell Creek Formation and the Cretaceous-Tertiary
boundary in the Northern Great Plains: an integrated
continental record of the end of the Cretaceous.
Geological Society of America Special Paper 361. Kirk
Johnson sent me the GSA flier on this just-released
compendium -- cf. its chapter 8, D.A. Russell & Makoto
Manabe, A synopsis of the Hell Creek Formation
dinosaur assemblage. Bill Clemens at UCMP has a paper
on the mammalian taxa, Patricia Holroyd & J.H.
Hutchison have a paper on turtles, J.P. Hunter and
J.D. Archibald have a paper on Lancian mammalians.
Another interesting overview is from Conrad
Labandeira, K.R. Johnson, and Peter Lang on the K/T
insect extinctions. I have not, yet, seen this new
publication (it is an early Saturday morning, and my
teleportation device remains in my dreams).
Christian Koeberl & K.G. MacLeod, eds., 2002.
Castrastrophic events & mass extinctions: impacts &
beyond. Geological Society of America Special Paper
356, 749pp. This is a long overdue overview of all
aspects of the Permian/Triassic and K/T extinction
events (among others). Eric Buffetaut has a 4 page
paper on "Giant ground birds at the
Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary: extinction or
survival?"; and J.E. Fassett, R.A. Zielinski, J.R.
Budahn a 30 page discussion of "Dinosaurs that did not
die: evidence for Paleocene dinosaurs in the Ojo Alamo
Sandstone, San Juan Basin, New Mexico". Jim Fassett &
Spencer Lucas, in Bulletin 17 New Museum Museum of
Natural History & Science, in 2000, laid the
foundation, as it were, for this investigation.
Although they do not touch upon it, these large
post-K/T dinosaurs (fragments of hadrosaurs and
theropods) who lived a few hundred thousand years
beyond the event, must have been living in a world of
unimaginable transformations.
The Koeberl/MacLeod volume has enough material for
varied interests, as does the Hartman/Johnson/Nichols
volume. Taken together, more windows are being pushed open.
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