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Re: *Uatchitodon*?
This was held back by a technical glitch -- MPR
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Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 15:00:03 +0100
To: Dinosaur@usc.edu
From: Gautam Majumdar <gmajumdar@gmajumdar.freeuk.com>
Subject: Re: *Uatchitodon*?
In article <002101c24c76$fc7875c0$b4432fd5@chello.at>, David Marjanovic
<david.marjanovic@gmx.at> writes
>> I can't recall what species of bird it was though
>Those of the genus *Pitohui*. Feathers, skin and, as I've read only once,
>the muscles are toxic. The poison is homobatrachotoxin, exactly the same as
>that of some South American tree frogs. Amazing convergence.
A second genus of bird from Papua (Ifrita) has also been found to have
such poison. Four species of Pitohui & one species of Ifrita were found
to have several isomers of batrachotoxin & homobatrachotoxin present in
their feather. Though initially it was thought that their skin & even
muscles also contain the toxins, recent work suggests that these toxins
are present only in their feather.
Dumbacher J P, Spande T F, Daly J W, Batrachotoxin alkaloids from
passerine birds: A second toxic bird genus (Ifrita kowaldi) from New
Guinea, PNAS 2000; 97: 12970-75
Gautam Majumdar
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