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    My lapsus of spelling in typing too fast. I stand
    The Julia Clark dissertation -- along with most
other paleontology dissertations from ca. 1870 to date
in North America -- from University Microfilms
International, part of Proquest Information and
Learning. They can be reached on-line, or at
1.800.521.0600. They have soft-cover and hard-cover
formats, depending on one's needs and finances, and
the reproduction of photographs from dissertations,
while not excellent, is better than a "regular
photocopy". They use digital xerographic process on
acid-free paper.
    To be sure, over the years, I have acquired almost
all of the major dissertations re: dinosaurs from UMI
(my first was Walter Coombs's on ankylosaurs, the
second Ralph Molnar's on Tyrannosaurus skull
mechanics), and all are excellent additions to one's
library. For example, Thomas Holtz's dissertation was
the basis for several of his papers, but it is still a
fascinating presentation of his initial, break-through
deductions.And Jacques Gauthier's 1984 dissertation is
a "must have" for systematists; he later distilled the
dinosaur pages into a 1986 paper. I have always been
saddened he has not returned to it, in the 21st
century, and revised, expanded, and re-argued his
     One dissertation I have wanted since 1977: David
Norman's dissertation on Iguanodon. And, there are the
dissertations coming from Mike Benton's teams which
have not been accessible, and some of the theropod
dissertations from South America.

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