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Re: *Uatchitodon*?

Nick, I am sorry not to have provided the reference:

HD Sues, 1991.  Venom-conducting teeth in a Triassic reptile.  Nature 351:

Also reported with other beasties from the Richmond Basin in a chapter of the
book *In the Shadow of the Dinosaurs* [Cambridge, 1994; Fraser and Sues,
eds].  Known so far from tooth only, I think.


Jeffrey Alan Bartlett
Graduate Student in Paleoecology
Assistant to the Director
Center for the Exploration of the Dinosaurian World
North Carolina State University | North Carolina State Museum of Natural

Box 8208, Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-8208
(919) 515-7917

Nicholas Gardner wrote:

> And the tooth of Uatchitodon from the upper Triassic Richmond basin,
> >reported by Sues and company, represents the earliest
> >rept/archosauriform bearing such grooved structure.
> >
> Could someone provide more info on this critter?  I've never heard of it
> before.  And aren't some birds poisonous in some fashion?  I've asked this
> at sci.bio.paleontology and received no response.
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