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Re: Giant carnivorous geese

Stephen Wroe wrote:
> Yup - you raise a couple of interesting points. Certainly I'd agree that
> the eyes of Bullockornis are not large when compared to modern raptors...

Relative to skull size, or in absolute terms? An eye as keen as an
eagle's would be just as keen regardless of the size of the skull it was
in. Whales have tiny eyes relative to their body size, but in absolute
terms their eye balls are enormous. I suspect the same was true of
Tyrannosaurs. Their eyes look small relative to their skull size, but in
absolute terms I'm guessing their eyes were way bigger than mine. I
certainly wouldn't try standing still in front of one, hoping it didn't
see me!


Dann Pigdon                   Australian Dinosaurs:
GIS / Archaeologist         http://www.geocities.com/dannsdinosaurs
Melbourne, Australia        http://www.alphalink.com.au/~dannj/