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Re: Theropodan Holotypes

Thansk to everyone who responded! I now have specimen data for all of the "key"
theropod species except for _Hesperornithidae_ (_Hesperornis regalis_ and
_Parahesperornis alexi_) and _Neornithes_ (_Struthio camelus_, _Tinamus major_,
_Gallus gallus_, _Anser anser_, Passer domesticus_, _Pluvialis apricaria_, and
_Vultur gryphus_).

=====> T. Michael Keesey <keesey@bigfoot.com>
=====> The Dinosauricon <http://dinosauricon.com>
=====> BloodySteak <http://bloodysteak.com>
=====> Instant Messenger <Ric Blayze>

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