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RE: Prosauropods & Edmarka
Tim Williams (TiJaWi@agron.iastate.edu) wrote:
<I agree wholeheartedly - though _Edmarka_ is probably a poor choice to
underline the point. There's a good chance it's the same as
Comparison with the type TATE juvenile material for Ed and Jensen's and
Britt's Torvo suggests that there is not much unequivocal overlap, whereas
the new TATE material indicates a large megalosaur, and two discreet
groups of limbs, whereas there are two groups of caudals (one of which in
both is *Torvosaurus*). Whether the juvenile *Edmarka* pertains to Torvo
or along with the new TATE material (Siegwarth et al., unpublished)
depends on strict analysis. However, there is other "megalosaur" material
from the Morrison that falls not into Ed, Torvo, or the new TATE stuff.
The problem is defining "megalosaur", as this may be a grade of theropod
between abelisaurs and carnosaurs, as has been used previously. Many
features of the basal allosauroids includes plesiomorphies shared with
spinosaurs, and they with "megalosaurids" proper, and they with
"neoceratosaurs" and so forth....
Jaime A. Headden
Little steps are often the hardest to take. We are too used to making leaps
in the face of adversity, that a simple skip is so hard to do. We should all
learn to walk soft, walk small, see the world around us rather than zoom by it.
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