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Saurophaganax questions

> I've still got a doubt... Should I call it Allosaurus maximus or 
> Saurophaganax maximus?
> Do we have more than just fragmentary remains?
> How big were the claws, I heard they had the biggest claws of any dinosaur 
> (now if that's not a big title...).
> Based on Allosaurus (or other remains), how big was it? Some say 11 meters, 
> some say 14.
> How heavy? Again, some say 5 tonnes, others say 3 (I know weight estimates 
> are controversial, but there
must be a method that is more trusted by professionals than another).
> I know Allosaurs have lightly-built frames, so they might give a wrong 
> impression : The tail is very long...
but what about the lenght of the arms (again, based on allosaurus or the 
claws)... and most importently,
what about the lenght of the skull? I always though allosaurs had 
proportionally small skulls (for large

> Finally, would it be unreasonable -- given the lightly built frames of 
> allosaurs -- to think this was a very fast
animal, possibly the fastest of forty-footers?

Lots of questions, I know, but they've been buggin' me for a while now.

Thanks all,

- Thomas Miller
Boîte aux lettres - Caramail - http://www.caramail.com