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Re: Oxygen level in Mezoic
Dino Beast wrote:
> I have seen there is a claimed experiment extracting gas bubbles from Amber.
> It is shown in that experiment that the oxygen level in Cretaceous is 30%.
> Is this a commonly accepted figure/experiment. Is there any info on
> prehistoric oxygen level ??
I haven't heard of the experiment myself, but I've always wondered
whether a rough estimate of oxygen levels can be made based on the
maximum size of insects alive at any one time. We certainly don't see
dragonflies with one-foot wingspans anymore, and insect sizes seem to be
restricted by gas exchange factors.
Any thoughts? (There certainly aren't many at this end!)
Dann Pigdon Australian Dinosaurs:
GIS / Archaeologist http://www.geocities.com/dannsdinosaurs
Melbourne, Australia http://www.alphalink.com.au/~dannj/