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CNN: China, Japan, U.S. Organizes Show on Dinosaurs


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China, Japan, U.S. Organizes Show on Dinosaurs
Xinhua               06-JUN-99

HARBIN (June 5) XINHUA - China, Japan and the United States have
cooperated in organizing an exhibition featuring dinosaur props used in
making the Hollywood block-buster movie "Jurassic Park" in Harbin,
capital of  northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. 

However, it seems most of the dinosaur exhibits were not the originals
and were copies from designs by American artists who helped create the
popular Hollywood movie.  (BC: I knew that when I saw the exhibit in
'94..latex doesn't last worth beans)

The show, which was opened last month, is being staged by Xiangyu
Cultural Development Center of the Chinese Ministry of Culture, the
Harbin Ice Hockey Gymnasium and a Japanese firm. 

The three month long show is in three parts: a corridor on the general
knowledge of dinosaurs and other paleo-organisms, fossils of
paleo-organisms, and the kingdom of dinosaurs. 

It cost 15 million yuan to organise and stage. A vast number of
paleo-organisms used to roam around Heilongjiang Province and a great
number of fossils of these ancient living creatures have been found

-Betty Cunningham
Flying Goat Graphics
(Society of Vertebrate Paleontology member)