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Palaios, June 1999 issue
I just got my new issue of Palaios. There are no Dinosaur articles this
time, but a couple of articles that may be of interest to the folks on this
list. The first is the editorial:
A New Agenda for Evolutionary Paleoecology - Or Would You in the
Background Please Step Forward
By Mark E. Patzkowsky
He reminds us to put our critters in their normal living conditions.
The other article is:
The Seasonal Climate of the Early-Middle Jurassic, Cleveland Basin, England
By Helen S. Morgans, Stephen P. Hesselbo, and Robert A. Spicer
This is one of those determining the normal living conditions articles.
You can see the whole editorial and an abstract of thr article at:
| Michael J. Styzen Phone: (504) 728-4308 |
| Shell Deepwater Development Inc. Room: OSS-3202 |
| P.O. Box 60833 E-mail: mstyzen@shellus.com |
| New Orleans LA 70160 |