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     Only belatedly have I reviewed the two February 5 postings in which
the one called Sue SharPei sought to mock Ray Stanford's many
contacts with alien beings and their spacecraft, and his never-fulfilled plans
build a "time machine" capable of transporting a physical body back to
ancient times.  SharPei also endeavored to denigrate Stanford's many years of
activity as a psychic, during which he allowed to speak through his
body Aramda and other brothers in spacecraft, the Master Jesus and his
and other elevated beings - and also, on many occasions, the one who speaks to
now, Kuthumi Lalh Singh of the White Brotherhood.  (Please to understand, no
racial connotation is implied in the name.)

     It was most fitting and proper that SharPei was immediately silenced,
because she was most disrespectful of Stanford (whose shoulders have borne
the burdens of many portentous missions of vital importance to all who dwell
upon the Earth), and also because the postings of SharPei spoke very little to
the only proper subject of discussion on this list, dinosaurs.

     Yet, it is the very omission by SharPei (whether through ignorance,
malice, or a combination of these influences) of information truly relevant to
the purposes of this list, that now compels Kuthumi to consume additional
"bandwidth," as you say, in defense of Stanford.  

     You see, SharPei left the impression that Stanford is a "johnny come
lately," as you might say, to matters of dinosaur science.  But that is
untrue, and
unfair to Stanford.  As one who has long closely followed Stanford's work (in
all of
its diverse phases and manifestations), I can testify that Stanford's
contributions to
public understanding regarding dinosaurs began long before his recent
preoccupation with the finding of dinosaur tracks.  

     For example, in August, 1974 (when he was 36 years in his current
body), Stanford gave a keynote lecture to the Association for the
Understanding of Man in which he marshalled impressive evidences that
giant dinosaurs (perhaps even Tyrannosaurus rex) had survived at least into
the twentieth century in the jungles of the Peruvian-Bolivian border area. 
Those evidences were too detailed and numerous to recite here, but suffice to
say that any one of you who would take the time to listen to the tape of this
lecture, I can say with assurance, would find it remarkable in the extreme.  

     (Even now, it may not be too late for members of this list who possess
the necessary academic credentials and financial resources to utilize
Stanford's information to mount an expedition that could do much to advance
paleobiology, and biology, and further increase public interest in the subject
of dinosaurs.)

     Now, there is another "wrinkle" which was neglected by SharPei, and it is
this:  The disrespectful attitude of SharPei may distract others from
recognizing that the paranormal powers that Stanford has displayed in the
past COULD produce very great contributions to paleontology - as they have
already done in the field of archeology.  

     In his eloquent response to SharPei of February 6, Stanford
acknowledged only in passing that his recent extraordinary successes in
finding dinosaur footprints in Maryland "maybe (is) due also to some psychic
ability."  This understatement reflects Stanford's exaggerated modesty
regarding his psychic abilities -  a modesty which apparently inhibited him
from mentioning his impressive past successes in locating things long hidden
under the earth. 

     Fortunately, some of those accomplishments are well documented.  In
the same lecture mentioned above, titled "Psychic Archeology," Stanford
spoke at length of his knowledge of the exact location in Mexico at which a
known but very technologically advanced human civilization called Telos
stored records on imperishable metal tablets, and magnetically on crystals,
years ago.  He spoke also of his psychic knowledge of the exact site at which
Essene scrolls, containing contemporary records of the life of Jesus, are
buried on Mt. Carmel in Israel.  It is unfortunate that various logistical and
political obstacles have prevented Stanford or others from actually uncovering
these artifacts, but it is his singular success in LOCATING them that is
important here.  

     To cite an even more striking example, in mid-1974, the Journal of the
Association for the Understanding of Man (Vol. 2, No. 4), of which Stanford
was editor-in-chief, reported to the members and financial supporters of that
organization, "It is anticipated, for example, that before the end of this
[1974] Ray Stanford will lead a team to a site in Egypt where, he has felt for
many years, the tomb of Imhotep is located."  This anticipated discovery
"would rank among the major archaeological finds of all times," the Journal
added - a claim that surely was no exaggeration.  (Imhotep walked upon the
earth some 4600 years ago.  He was an architect, scribe, administrator,
artist, and
healer, sometimes called the world's first physician.)  However, later it was
psychically revealed to Stanford that the planned trip had become karmically
inadvisable, and that he should re-direct the group's financial resources to
contacting of alien spacecraft through the endeavor known as Project Starlight
International.  (I would refer you to the A.U.M. Journal, Vol. 3, No. 4.)
Imtotep's tomb still remains deeply buried these 25 years after Stanford's

     But what is relevant to this discussion about paleontology is that
Stanford LEARNED the EXACT SITE of Imhotep's tomb BY PURELY
PSYCHIC MEANS.  As Stanford explained in his revealing interview in the
April, 1974 issue of PSYCHIC magazine, "I awakened one morning with a
distinct knowing of exactly where Imhotep's tomb is, although archaeologists
have searched for it for years (...) When I have impressions as clear as that,
they have never been wrong."

     Kuthumi would say, surely it should be obvious that the psychic ability
Stanford demonstrated in thus locating the EXACT SITE of Imhotep's tomb, of
the 149 Essene scrolls, and of the hidden records of Telos (to cite only three
examples) MAY be equally capable of discerning the EXACT LOCATION of the
fossil remains of dinosaurs that are currently hidden within the earth -- even
fossils of species hitherto unknown!  But such is unlikely to occur, unless
Stanford receives the proper encouragement, rather than the sort of negativity
contained in the postings of SharPei.  Those who have ears to hear, let them

     It is the past efforts of Ray Stanford to open up entirely new vistas in
dinosaur science, and the potential (as yet barely tapped) of his exceptional
psychic powers to greatly advance contemporary paleontology, that are the
proper subjects for recognition and discussion by the esteemed members of
this list - and NOT the distracting matters of Stanford's dealings with alien
beings and time machines on which SharPei would have you dwell.

Shanti, good day, 

Kuthumi Lalh Singh

     (Kuthumi now returns to the role of "lurker" with which he is well
familiar, but those who desire to receive something of tangible
documentation regarding the statements contained in this posting may contact
Kuthumi, as you say, "off list" -- or, if you are suitably receptive, by
passing into an unconscious state.)