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A message from Jim Clark, original sent to the vertebrate paleo professional
list. To anyone interested: please contribute!
> The SVP annually supports one or more students to pursue field work
>that is "innovative rather than routine, venturesome rather than
>predictable, unusual rather than run of the mill." Field work is the heart
>and soul of vertebrate paleontology, and the Bryan Patterson Award is one
>of the few means allowing students to act upon their measured guesses as to
>where the next tyrannosaur, placoderm, or sabertooth might be weathering
>from the ground, often leading to the discovery of fossils resolving
>important scientific problems.
> Adventurous field work is not cheap, and the current funds
>available annually for the award ($1,200) do not match the aspirations and
>abilities of students in our field. For this reason the proceeds of the
>annual auction at the 1999 SVP meeting in Denver this October will benefit
>the SVP endowment specified for the Bryan Patterson Award.
> Please consider now what items you can donate to this year's
>auction. Search your collections for duplicates of older papers or books,
>or simply make the decision to part with a valuable item to help support
>the next generation of vertebrate paleontologists. If you are an artist or
>author, we would greatly appreciate a personalized donation, such as a
>signed copy of your book, paper, or artwork. In addition, many people over
>the years have purchased items specifically to be donated to this auction.
>Unusual or eccentric items are especially encouraged, to allow Brent and
>his crew to use their auctioneering skills to their fullest.
> It is too early to begin amassing donations, but we would greatly
>appreciate hearing from those of you willing to commit to making a
>donation. Please send an email to me (jclark@gwu.edu) explaining what you
>can donate, and I will remind you shortly before the auction to bring or
>send the items. A gentle reminder to those unfamiliar with this
>listserver: make sure to reply to ME rather than to the VP listserver
>(i.e., do not use the "reply" command).
>Thanks very much, see you in Denver!
> James M. Clark
> Department of Biological Sciences
> George Washington University
> 2023 G St. NW
> Washington, DC 20052
> phone: (202) 994-7144 or 994-9210
> fax: (202) 994-6100
> email: jclark@gwu.edu
> web page: http://www.gwu.edu/~clade/faculty/clark/
Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.
Vertebrate Paleontologist Webpage: http://www.geol.umd.edu
Dept. of Geology Email:tholtz@geol.umd.edu
University of Maryland Phone:301-405-4084
College Park, MD 20742 Fax: 301-314-9661