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Southcentral GSA Meetings in Lubbock, Texas

        Shameless plug:
        Anyone in the Southcentral Region of the Geological Society of
America (in the place, not necessarily the organization) should think about
cruising to Lubbock this March for the regional meeting. There will be a
symposium on regional Late Cretaceous paleontology and stratigraphy,
consisting of a whole day of presentations which should be of interest to
list members (there are a few talks about dinosaurs themselves). One of the
talks will be by a certain somewhat overzealous, perhaps even a bit
obnoxious, member of the dinosaur list community (other presenters may 'fess
up or not as they see fit).
        I regret that I am too ensconsed in research to have any more
information handy (shoddy promoting... I ask you!), but your local GSA guru
and the GSA website should be able to provide more data. If all else fails,
write me and I may be able to scrounge some information for you.
        Anyone on the list planning to attend, please get in touch with me.
I'll be a little busy, but I'd like to at least meet and chat for a bit.

        Hope to see you there,
     Jonathan R. Wagner, Dept. of Geosciences, TTU, Lubbock, TX 79409-1053
 "Only those whose life is short can truly believe that love is forever"-Lorien