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Re: Many questions
Francoise Forel wrote:
> Hi!
> I have MANY short questions about diverse dinos and I tried to put them all
> in the same post. Here they are.
I can answer a few of them.
> 1) I heard of a remain of colour pattern found in an Archaeopteryx
> specimen, and in a pterosaur specimen showing stripes. Can someone provide
> me refs and/or more info?
I don't know about this.
> 2) What is the current conception of the "unicorn" crest of Tsintaosaurus?
Depends on who you talk to. Philippe Taquet says no "unicorn" crest, and
I agree with him. I think it's just the nasal pushed upward during
fossilization. Eric Buffetaut says yes, "unicorn" crest.
> 9) Is there a guide to the anatomy of reptiles (or vertebrates, tetrapods,
> amniotes, or whatever you want including dinos and birds) including clear
> explanation of every scientific term (I don't mean a description of anatomy
> in different forms, I mean someting explaining CLEARLY what is a
> parapophysis, an I don't know what-patagium, an iliac shelf, etc...)? If it
> exists, does it includes muscles and other soft tissues?
Something I and some friends want to work on. But how knows if it'll
ever get off the ground.
> 12) May we discover giant dinosaurs (exept sauropods; I mean a 15 meters
> long ceratopsian, or a 10 meters high segnosaur, or a 20 meters long
> tenontosaur)?
Sure it is possible.
> 13) I saw a life reconstruction of Allosaurus with pterosaurs eating
> parasites and small pieces of meat in its mouth. Is it realistic? If so,
> may have it been a common behavior during mesozoic?
This behavior would never be found in the fossil record, but I don't see
why not.
> 14) What is a Teinurosaurus?
A large caudal vertebrae of a theropod found in France
Genus: Teinurosaurus NOPCSA, 1928 emend. 1929 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: Greek, teino "stretch", Greek, oura "tail" and Greek, sauros
"lizard", Stretched tail lizard.
= Caudocoelus von HUENE, 1932 (nomen dubium)
= Sarurornithoides NOPCSA 1928 non OSBORN, 1924
Species: sauvagei (von HUENE, 1932) OLSHEVSKY 1978 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: In honor of Sauvage.
= Caudocoelus sauvagei von HUENE, 1932 (nomen dubium)
= Iguanodon prestwichii SAUVAGE, 1897/8 non HULKE, 1880 (partim)
= Saurornithoides sauvagei NOPCSA, 1928
Holotype: Dortigen Museum, Nr. 500
Locality: Mont-Rouge, Boulogne-sur-mer, Boulonnas, France.
Horizon: Kimmeridigan, Late Jurassic.
Material: Caudal vertebra.
Note: Destroyed.
> 15) If Picrodon isn't a troodontid, what is it?
If you mean Priconodon, it's a nodosaur.
Genus: Priconodon MARSH, 1888 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: Greek, prion, "saw" and Greek, konos, "cone, + us: "Saw-cone
= Princonodon LULL, 1911 (sic)
Species: crassus MARSH, 1888 (nomen dubium)
= Stegosaurus crassus MARSH, 1888 (nomen dubium)
Holotype: USNM 2135
Locality: Swampoodle (Muirkirk, MERRILL, 1907), Prince George County,
Horizon: Arundel Formation, Aptian-Albian, Early Cretaceous.
Material: Tooth.