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GS Paul wrote:
>...erect legs first appeared in very small protodinosaurs, and many dinosaurs
were small. Giant dinosaurs merely inherited erect legs - why people keep
saying that dinosaurs had erect legs BECAUSE they were so big escapes moi.<
Well, vous draw attention to an important distinction here. What I wrote was
that "erect posture and columnar legs are a likely prerequisite for really
large body mass...large body size "forces" erect posture no matter how fast
the thing moves or can move, and regardless of its metabolic rate." My point
therefore was that dinosaurs could be so big BECAUSE they had erect legs, and
I was trying to point out that hypothetically tachymetabolic sauropods and
hypothetical bradymetabolic sauropods both would have had to have erect
posture as a function of size alone, so posture (considered alone) in large
sauropods can't be a crucial test of their metabolic status. Note that this
posture per se argument can be separated from the argument from locomotor
>Being gigantic in 1 G is very hard to do. If anything giant size itself may
force high AEC on land.<
This statement of "fact" is exactly what I objected to in opening this can o
worms. Why? Why should giant size "force" high aerobic exercise capacity? (And
"high" compared to what?) Again, this (non-)argument should be viewed as
separate from the locomotor speed argument.
>More specifically, the mass specific cost of locomotion decreases with size.
Problem is, so does mass specific AEC. The exact slopes for both are iffy, but
they both decrease in parallel. What it all means in the end is that a giant
reptile still has such a pathetic AEC that it cannot sustain a mammal-like
walking speed. A 50 tonne tachyaerobic {sic; presumably "bradyaerobic" is
meant here} animal has an AEC of only 8000 kcal/h. Since it costs over 4000
kcal for such an animal to walk a kilometer, it can aerobically sustain a
walking speed of only 2 km/h. But sauropods regularly walked 3-5 km/h, the
same high speed observed in elephants. Conclusion. Sauropod energetics were
probably more like those of elephants than reptiles.<
First, in my opinion, the use of mass-specific units confuses things a
lot more than it clarifies things. Animals don't live mass-specific
lives, they just live; an elephant doesn't move a gram at a time, it
just moves. In fact, in ecologically relevant whole-animal units, both
aerobic exercise capacity (aerobic scope for exercise, = maximal
aerobic metabolic rate minus resting metabolic rate, kcal/h) and the
cost of transport _increase_ with body mass among extant animals.
Obviously, it costs a large animal more energy to move at a given
speed than a small animal. Since the cost of transport (kcal/km) is
approximately independent of speed within the aerobically supported
range, it always costs a large animal more energy to move a kilometer
than a small animal regardless of speed.
But the question is: tachyaerobic or bradyaerobic? I don't know the
source for your calculated AEC of 8000 kcal/h, but stipulating it for
the sake of argument: Scaling up from extant reptiles (dangerous, but
we have no choice), the predicted standard metabolic rate of a
50-tonne "physiological reptile" at a body temperature of 35C would be
about 1700 kcal/h (+/- maybe 15% depending on which allometric
prediction equation you use)...therefore your AEC implies a factorial
aerobic scope of only 5-6, which is definitely the low end of the
observed range. Give that beast a reasonable factorial scope of 10 and
suddenly it's twice as fast.
But really all this wanking around with allometric extrapolations
is a waste of time because a) long extrapolations are very sensitive
to small differences in the assumed scaling exponent and b) the
confidence intervals of the prediction from an equation extrapolated
out that far will be incredibly wide. In other words, given the
observed variation among extant reptiles, there really is _no way_ to
confidently predict the resting _or_ the maximal metabolic rate of a
50-tonne specimen. We simply have no suitable comparison.
Stipulated that big sauropods had erect posture and could walk
indefinitely at 5 km/h. I still see no compelling reason for me to
have to grant them an avian or mammalian level of metabolic rate. I do
see lots of compelling reasons (heat dissipation, energy intake
requirements) to NOT grant them such a metabolic level.