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I've been meaning to pass this on for a while, but, as usual, it keeps
slipping my mind.

Part of and interview I did with Pat Rick about Qantassaurus and Dinosaur
Cove forms part of the quiz on the ABC science web site. Point your browser


and look for quiz then click on the word "Qantassaurus" in the text to hear
the piece. You will need real audio to hear it and there are hyperlinks to
get it for you from the site. But be quick! The quiz will be changed on
wednesday and the interview will be taken off then.

For those lucky enough to live here, the full interview will be played on
the Science Show, on radio national. This aired yesterday (good one
Willis!), but it will be repeated tomorrow night (Monday). Check your local
guide for details.



Dr Paul M.A. Willis
Consulting Vertebrate Palaeontologist
Quinkana Pty Ltd