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Re: Ceratopain defense part II

Tracy Ford wrote:
> ou wrote:
> >
> >I think this might be a species thing; the long horn species might just
> >go for a stab, while the short horns might go for a bite.
> Could be. One problem with the horns is that not all genera have the horns 
>pointing in the same direction. T. horridus has the horns pointing forward, 
>T. albertensis has it pointing slightly backward, Diceratops streight up, 
>Pentaceratops streight up and slightly forward, etc. In order for the straight 
>up horned ceratopian's to stap another one, they'd have to have to have hold 
>it's head verticel to the ground, which wouldn't allow them to see what they 
>were stabing.

I'm reminded of rhinos again; they have a nice charge, but it's often
mistimed or off-target.  The ceratopsians may have had some type of
defensive strategy going on that was only moderately effective but
enough to ensure their survival.
> >That beak looks like it could wreak some serious carnage, and anyone who's 
> >tussled with a macaw will tell you that those beaks are something to be 
> >feared!
> >
> I've nealry always thought that the beak was indeed the most dangerous part 
> of the skull.

Probably so, for raw damage potential.  If the critters could charge,
though, I wouldn't wanna be on the other side of those horns . . .
> Dare I say this, D. Varner will tell me I'm teasing people agian, but...
> I've written and article for Dinosaur World about ceratopsian stance
> and should be out in a month or so. I'd be interested in what people
> think about it when it get published.

Aw, c'mon, give us a bit more than that!  :)
