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Dinosaur List Breakfast
Our Dinosaur List Breakfast is evolving into a milestone paleo event. I have
made reservations for our definite 15 (with four more possible). If you wish
to attend and perhaps missed previous postings, here are some details:
The breakfast will be held at the Gazebo Restaurant in the Ramada Congress
Hotel on Friday, October 10, from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. The breakfast will
be buffet style, which will be convenient in terms of time and ordering. The
cost will be $11.50 per person, which includes taxes and gratuities. (This
is a special price for us, and you may pay me at the breakfast.)
Let me or Paul Willis know ASAP if you would like to attend this casual and
fun breakfast with your friendly dino list members. (No weapons please, and
check your sickle claw at the door.)