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Dinosaur hallx(es)
I completely agree that the dinosauria hallux could be reverted. But
there are some pressing issues of the DEGREEof the reversion. Whenever I
see a dinosaur skeletal illustration ( such as Ostrom's Compsognathus)
it always gets me that they say the toe and hallux are reversed but they
don't illustrate it. All Theropdian halluxes so signs that they were
capable of being reversed but when we see the Bavaria Compsognathus and
look at it in detail it is clear it is not. Trackways show reversed toes
and this is some of the best evidence for reversed toes. But when we go
back to Compsognathus the toe is not reversed.
When looking at the evidence alot of it does not add up. Perhaps in
some theropods (from Compsognathus down) the toe is like a hominids
thumb. It is mobile backwards for holding onto things and mobile
medially for times of running. Just my thoughts on the matter I could be
wrong Icould be right.
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