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Re: JP cast dino

>From owner-dinosaur@usc.edu Tue Aug 19 00:11:27 1997
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>Date: Mon, 18 Aug 1997 20:45:29 -0400 (EDT)
>Reply-To: NJPharris@aol.com
>Sender: owner-dinosaur@usc.edu
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>From: NJPharris@aol.com
>To: dinosaur@usc.edu
>Subject: JP cast dino
>X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.1 -- ListProcessor(tm) by CREN
>In a message dated 97-08-16 14:19:27 EDT, Dinogeorge@AOL.COM writes:
>> Tianchisaurus nedegoapeferima
>Didn't this one also narrowly escape being named "Jurassosaurus"?  Or 
am I
>thinking of a different critter?
 You are right, it DID use to be Jurassosaurus. But if I am correct the 
species name is an acronym with all the intials of the actors in JP. But 
I could be wrong. 

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