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Re: What's in a Name (Was: RAPTOR WRONG)

On 13 Aug 97 at 21:31, Amado Narvaez wrote:

> ... unless they make a movie of Bakker's book. Then it could start
> all over again. Nah. No studio would make a dinosaur movie without
> people in it, would they?

Why not? We've already had cartoon versions of this. In movies 
litteraly anything is possible... <shudder>

Not that I don't think it might be a good idea in this case, mind 
you! If such a movie would be made I would of course go see it, 
probably twice, how matter how great or terrible it turns out to 

Jarno Peschier, computer science student, Utrecht University
   mailto:jpeschie@cs.ruu.nl    http://jarno.home.ml.org/
    'avwI' nejDI' narghta'bogh qama' reH 'avwI' Sambej