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Fossil replacements

The following fossils are believed to have been offered contracts to serve as
replacement players during the major league players' strike:


Nolan T. Ryanosaurus
Gaylord Pterryosaur
Bob Vealoceraptor
Bob Triceratops


Rico Cartytheosaurus (also played OF,  DH)
Dave Skaggsosaurus

First baseman--

Pancho Herrerasaur

Second basemen--

Ted Sizemoresaurus
Steve Staggsoceras


Gene Alleyosaurus
Coot Vealoceraptor

Third baseman--

Don Demeterodon
Andy Careytheosaurus


Willie Maysisaura
 Tony Olivaraptor
Jim T. Riceratops
Lou Brockiosaurus
Mark Coreytheosaurus

Designated hitter--

Ann Kylosaurus
(No professional baseball experience,  but swings a meaner club with her butt
than most already signed replacements do with both hands.)