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re:dino mimicry
On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, mike peters wrote:
> [...]
> The anatomy of the Anky's tail would seem to prevent it from raising it to a
> significant angle above the horizontal as there are interlocking dorsal
> processes connecting the individual caudal vertebrae in a very rigid
> looking manner
> [...]
> Does anyone think that the club could be used for intra-specific threat
> displays/territorial signalling etc, by thunping it on the ground?
> There are bird species that use wing-beating
> for this purpose I think.
Interesting notion, but wouldn't this require raising it first in order
to thump it on the ground?
+---------+ Richard Travsky RTRAVSKY @ UWYO . EDU
| | Division of Information Technology
| U W | University of Wyoming (307) 766 - 3663 / 3668
| * | "Wyoming is the capital of Denver." - a tourist
+---------+ "One of those square states." - another tourist