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Re: Flock Carnivores Discovered!

>From: larrys@zk3.dec.com
 > >And of course we all know that piranhas don't take down capybaras that
 > >stray into their part of the river, either.
 > If the people who reported that were only interested in creating
 > yet another excuse to kill piranhas, I'd insist on supporting
 > evidence for that, too.

Which we have anyway - there is film of piranha feeding activity,
so we have confirmation of it.

 > >I might believe that the farmers could on occasion be mistaken, but to
 > >assume that they are deliberately lying through their teeth bespeaks a
 > >depth of cynicism that I simply can't fathom.
 > Not cynicism.  Bitterness.  But this is an environmental issue, and
 > inappropriate for this list, especially in view of the recent unpleasant-
 > ness.  Suffice it to say that predatory birds have been taking a bum rap
 > from ranchers and farmers looking for something to blame a death on for
 > years, and have paid a very high price for it.

It is actually likely they have fdooled themselves, rather than
that they are deliberately lying.

What probably happens is they see the dead animal, and happed to
catch the hawks or vultures pulling pieces off of it, and convince
themsleves that presence on the scene is sufficient evidence to

[And if you think that a hawk won't take already dead meat
when available ...].

swf@elsegundoca.attgis.com              sarima@netcom.com

The peace of God be with you.