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Ceratopsian Frills and Neck Movements

I've looked at a number of pictures of ceratopsians (skeletons
and restorations) and one thing keeps bugging. What restrictions
on neck movements did those bony frills impose? I have this
image of them not being able to raise their heads very much and 
doing things like rearing up on their hind legs to compensate.

Side to side movements look to have been affected.

+---------+    Richard Travsky   RTRAVSKY @ UWYO . EDU
|         |    Division  of  Information  Technology
|     U W |    University of Wyoming   (307) 766 - 3663 / 3668
|      *  |    "Wyoming is the capital of Denver." - a tourist
+---------+    "One of those square states." - another tourist
I'm not a paleontologist, but I was one in a former life.