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how to mount a sauropod...safely

Betty Cunningham (Flyinggoat@aol.com) wrote:
>Seems to me I remember something about somebody speculating why sauropods
>seemed to have fractured tail bones more than seemed coincidence.   And that
>was that the breaks occured while mating, and indicated the sauropod was
>female.   Now, was it Phil Currie in Dinosaurs Rediscovered...?

     If you have access to a University Museum, check out a paper by:
         Rothschild, B.M., and Berman, D.S., 1991, Fusion of caudal
                 vertebrae in Late Jurassic sauropods: _Journal of
                 Vertebrate Paleontology_, vol. 11 (1), pp. 29-36.

    These authors make a better argument for sexual dimorphism based on tail