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Camarasaurus paper?

I just received a new poster from the Earth Science Museum of BYU with the
skull of Camarasaurus lentus well illustrated. I note for credits that an
in press reference "The skull of Camarasaurus Cope (Reptilia, Saurischia)"
(1994) by Madsen, McIntosh and Berman is given. Anyone know if this paper
was printed yet. It does not say where it is in press at but with a date of
1994 I am wondering if I missed it somewhere---or its it still in press

  Russ Jacobson                     INTERNET:jacobson@geoserv.isgs.uiuc.edu
  222 NRB, 615 E Peabody            217-244-2426   Home Phone: 217-384-6983
  Illinois Geological Survey         DINO RUSS: who lives, eats,
  Champaign, IL 61820                breathes and smells dinosaurs!!!
  Operator www server-DINO RUSS's LAIR: http://jacobson.isgs.uiuc.edu/ or
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