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Professional course: molding and casting

Posted at the request of Jessica Johnson. 

Sally Shelton
Director, Collections Care and Conservation
|                                                                       |
|                 San Diego Natural History Museum                      |
|                          P. O. Box 1390                               |
|                San Diego, California   92112  USA                     |
|             phone (619) 232-3821; FAX (619) 232-0248                  |
|                     email LIBSDNHM@CLASS.ORG                          |
|                                                                       |

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 11:35:14 -0600 (CST)
>From: JESSIEJ@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu
To: San Diego Natural History Museum Library <libsdnhm@CLASS.ORG>
Subject: Re: plaster

Thanks Sally, I did get the addresses.  Actually, would you mind posting 
the following announcement on those Lists, so I don't have to subscribe 
to them all?  I'll buy you a beer at D$D when you come.

Thanks a lot, Jessie
Making High Quality Replicas of Museum Objects.

The Texas Memorial Museum, in conjunction with International Academic
Projects, London, will be offering the course Making High Quality Replicas
of Museum Objects, November 6-10, 1995.  It will be taught by Benner
Larson, author of "Molding and Casting of Museum Objects".  Participants
in this highly developed practical laboratory course will learn the
techniques of making high quality resin replicas for exhibition, research,
and conservation purposes.  Topics will include: molding and casting
materials and their safe use; mold making principles; making silicon
rubber molds for multiple replicas; mixing, storing and using epoxy resin;
the application of pigments; finishing and retouching.  For more
information contact, Jessica S. Johnson, Course Coordinator, Materials
Conservaation Lab, Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas at Austin,
PRC #122, 10100 Burnet Road, Austin, TX 78758, (512)471-6090, fax
(512)471-6092, email JESSIEJ@UTXVMS.CC.UTEXAS.EDU

Jessica S. Johnson, Materials Conservation Laboratory, Texas Memorial Museum,
University of Texas at Austin, PRC #122, 10100 Burnet Road, Austin, TX 78758
        (512)471-6090; fax (512)471-6092; JessieJ@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu

On Tue, 21 Feb 1995, San Diego Natural History Museum Library wrote:

> Yo, Jessie, I just got a message from you from last week that sounded as 
> if you did not get the list of email addressses you requested for 
> publicizing Benner's course. Did you in fact get this, or should I send 
> it again? Cheers, sys
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> |                                                                     |
> |               San Diego Natural History Museum                      |
> |                        P. O. Box 1390                               |
> |              San Diego, California   92112  USA                     |
> |           phone (619) 232-3821; FAX (619) 232-0248                  |
> |                   email LIBSDNHM@CLASS.ORG                          |
> |                                                                     |
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------