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Re: Good mother dinos
>> One complication of this bit was the presentation of Dave Unwin (U. of
>> Bristol, UK) at the 1993 SVP. He showed that, based on embryo-to-egg ratio
>> found in modern birds and reptiles, the Maiasaura "hatchlings" are actually
>> the proper size for a late-stage non-hatched embryo. He did go on to point
>> out that this doesn't disprove parental care in the Dinosauria, but it does
>> take a way one previously important piece of evidence.
>I don't follow this last point. Is the implication that the "hatchlings"
>were actually someone's snack-ling? Or that Maiasaura may have only
>stuck around until the blessed moment, leaving the kids on their own
>after they hatched (hatch-key kids?)
The implication is that these may have been unhatched embryos.
Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.
Vertebrate Paleontologist in Exile Phone: 703-648-5280
U.S. Geological Survey FAX: 703-648-5420
Branch of Paleontology & Stratigraphy
MS 970 National Center
Reston, VA 22092