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Education foundation for young learners
Dinosaurus magazine is about to be launched. And we are interested in
developing a foundation for dinosaur studies for educators at the primary and
secondary school levels.
The foundation would grant funds, raised by the magazine and other
merchandise, to educators and students for projects that a foundation board
deemed worthy.
So, I am casting about for a scientist or professor to two, a secondary
school educator and a children's book publisher or a specialist in children's
literature to join me on the new Dinosaurus Foundation board.
Please leave a message on the internet for me if you have any interest at
all or know someone who might. The foundation need not be a cumbersome task,
but it would require reviewing some material for publication in the magazine
and reading projects and voting on granting funds. It could all be done
Thank you for your interest. Kim Robert Nilsen, editor
of Dinosaurus. Phone/fax: 603-363-4177.