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Database Software
John Schneiderman wrote:
>I am looking for database software for my 486sx PC.
>The database should be able to handle a number of fields and include a
>picture of the dinosaur. I currently have Microsoft Works, but this
>database doesn't seem to be able to handle much text in a single field
>and it can not include a digitized picture as part of each record.
>Is there a better database package I could use?
>If someone has a database already for dinosaurs I would like to hear from
>you and what computer package you use.
You might want to subscribe to PaleoBaseNet and post your request over
there. I am including an announcement below which describes the new
PaleoNet listserver and its three sub-lists. There is a current
discussion of databases underway today on PaleoBaseNet
______________________________ Forward Header
Subject: Re: Paleonet
Author: H R. Lane at hous,gts
Date: 11/4/94 1:50 PM
Physically PaleoNet is a group of listservers, gopher holes, www
pages, and anonymous ftp sites that provide the paleontological
community a means whereby its members can communicate with others. In
spirit, PaleoNet is a dynamic marketplace of information/ideas/
discussion whose rationale is to improve paleontology by more
efficiently tapping into that community's most valuable resource, its
people. In fact, PaleoNet is (and will be) whatever you want it to
PaleoNet's operating model falls somewhere between an informal
electronic journal and a very large social gathering of
paleontological professionals (including students) convened to discuss
current events in the field. As a subscriber (there is no charge),
you can expect to find wide variety of information accessible through
PaleoNet at any time. These include ongoing informal conversations
about papers, ideas, techniques, requests for information,
announcements, etc. set against a background of more formal
contributions such as editorials, meeting reviews, book reviews,
software reviews, overviews of current controversies, etc. all of
which are designed to put you in touch with what is happening in
paleontology. The key concept that makes PaleoNet work, however, is
In addition to the general PaleoNet list, a series of subordinate
listservers have been created to facilitate ongoing topical
discussions of interest to broad segments of the paleontological
community. These are the places to go for detailed information in the
following areas:
Manager: Woody Wise (Wise@geomag.gly.fsu.edu)
Description: Dissemination of information regarding the training of
paleontologists (who is giving what courses where) with an eye toward
creating a better match between skills and needs and allow them to
take advantage of existing information technologies.
Manager: Bob Pierce (RWPierce@amoco.com)
Description: Discussion dealing with the development of better
techniques to disseminate information about research needs and
opportunities among the four main organizational subdivisions of
paleontology (academia, industry, museums, and government).
Manager: Norman MacLeod (N.NacLeod@nhm.ac.uk)
Description: Discussions dealing with the creation, organization, and
dissemination of graphic and text-based information relating to
paleontological species, species concepts, intra-specific variation,
stratigraphic and geographic distributions, etc.
Manager: Steven Culver (S. Culver@nhm.ac.uk)
Description: Discussions dealing with the organization and management
of major paleontological collections in museum, university and
industrial settings.
You can subscribe to PaleoNet, or any of the specialty lists by
e-mailing the message: subscribe PaleoNet (or subscribe TrainingNet,
subscribe DataBaseNet, etc.) to listserver@nhm.ac.uk. Anyone who
subscribes to any of the specialty lists is automatically added to the
master PaleoNet list.
PaleoNet was conceived by Norman MacLeod (N.MacLeod@nhm.ac.uk) and
Rich Lane (hrlane@amoco.com), who share joint responsibility for
management of the PaleoNet system. Please direct all questions or
comments on technical matters to Norm and on policy issues to either
of us. PaleoNet is not affiliated with any present or future
professional paleontological society but seeks to serve as a
clearinghouse for any information of relevance to any form of
Norm MacLeod (N.MacLeod@nhm.ac.uk)
Rich Lane (hrlane@amoco.com)
Brian J. O'Neill Phone: (504) 588-4351
Shell Offshore Inc. Room: OSS-2916
P.O. Box 61933 E-mail: boneill@shell.com
New Orleans LA 70161 Profs: bjo5