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Re: Protoavis

rom: Scott <HORTON@bcrssu.agr.ca>
 >   Do the rules for naming genera and species allow Protoavis to be renamed 
 > (by
 > Chatterlee? by someone else?) if it turns out that the genus is NOT an 
 > ancestor
 > of modern birds?

Nope, appropriateness is not a criterion - only priority matters.
The animal is stuck with the name.

 > Or does the genus go through time eternal with a name that is
 > a lie?

This is actually fairly common.  For instance the flower genus
Erythronium (= "blood-red ----") contains only one species with
red flowers, all the others have pale violet flowers - approaching

swf@elsegundoca.ncr.com         sarima@netcom.com

The peace of God be with you.