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Re: protoavis

 From: SRSCHM0@ukpr.uky.edu
 > I am not real familiar with the protoavis topic, but, do I sense a little
 > hostility to its discoverer and/or description?  Personally, I would think
 > any opinion is a significant contribution even though it may not be well
 > supported.
Hostility is, perhaps, a little strong.  The fact is that Chayyerjee
has a long record of going off half-cocked with bizarre phylogenetic
inferences based on superficial evidence.  He is just not trustworthy
in that area.

What he *is* reasonably good at is finding and describing new organisms.
[He has diescovered several ineresting animals, including Poposaurus,
a very "advanced" "pseudosuchian"].

Unfortunately, in this case he has also publicized his ideas in
the popular press, thus making it harder to quietly ignore his
strangeness, as scientists would normally do.

swf@elsegundoca.ncr.com         sarima@netcom.com

The peace of God be with you.