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I just discovered that my ip address does have a name in our host table so
you can use this in your URL to reach my home page and not need to worry
about the change in ip address that will be occuring in a couple weeks. So
please change the URL in your world-wide-web browser (such as MOSAIC) for
DINO RUSS's LAIR to the following:


By the way I am back up now after the weekend power outage and should be up
for most of week unless something else threatens.


  Russ Jacobson                     INTERNET:jacobson@fred.isgs.uiuc.edu
  207 NRB, 615 E Peabody            217-244-2426   Home Phone: 217-384-6983
  Illinois Geological Survey         DINOSAUR RUSS: who lives, eats,
  Champaign, IL 61820                breathes and smells dinosaurs!!!
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