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Re: A Good Introductory Book for Kids

Miles Constable at Edmn <ConstableM@mail.edm.ab.doe.ca> writes:
> I just bought a book on dinosaurs that would be a good introduction for 
> children around age 10. It is:
> Discover Dinosaurs by Donald Glut and Peter Dodson. 1993. Publications 
> International, Ltd. Lincolnwood, IL. ISBN 0-7853-0475-4

ARE there any 10-year olds who need an introduction to dinosaurs?
I thought by this age they're usually ready to sign up as docents at a
museum.  My 8-year old recognizes John Horner, Bob Bakker, John Ostrom,
Phil Currie, Dale Russell and Dong Zhiming from watching and re-watching
the TV shows on tape.  He knows the major dino families and genera, has
his own opinion on Pachyrhinosaurus (he thinks it had just a big flat
bump on his nose, not the base of a major horn), believes that the
Velociraptors in Jurassic Park were more like Deinonychus, is familiar
with continental drift, mosasaur extinction, and the diet preferences
of pterodactyls.  And his 5-year old brother is not far behind!

Isn't the REAL reason adults write (and buy) dino books to celebrate them
with beautiful pictures and to share some new and intriguing ideas,
like so:

> The artwork is rather imaginative in the colorations of the dinosaurs, but 
> Dodson supplies the facts bang on. Quite good. (I learned some things from 
> it)
> $4.95 US $6.35 Can.

I'll be looking for this one!

Mike Bonham        bonham@jade.ab.ca      Jade Simulations International