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Re: Re: good mother dinos and tooth wear

My last message on tooth wear in embryonic hadros may have been a bit
confusing.  The paper that I was referring to is "Embryonic and neonatal
morphology and ontogeny of a new species of Hypacrosaurus (Ornithischia,
Lambeosauridae) from Montana and Alberta) by John R. Horner and Philip J.
Currie, in Dinosaur Eggs and Babies, edited by Kenneth Carpenter, Karl
Hirsch, and John Horner.  Figure 21.3 of this paper is a reconstruction of
an embryonic skull of Hypacrosaurus stebingeri.  The teeth of the lower
jaw clearly show occlusal wear.  Again, in reference to the embryonic jaw
of H. stebingeri, they state "Most of the erupted teeth show occlusal tooth
wear" (pg. 322).

The point of all this is that I thought somewhere it was written that one
of the defining points for inferring parental care was because the
Maiasaura young (hatchlings or possible embryos) had occlusal tooth wear
on their erupted teeth.

Tony Fiorillo                                Museum Scientist
Museum of Paleontology                          (510)642-9964 
University of California
Berkeley, CA  94720                  tonyf@ucmp1.berkeley.edu