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Taylor and Francis journals 2012-2013 in open access

Ben Creisler

Not yet mentioned....

Taylor and Francis has made papers from 2012 and 2013 temporarily (to
Nov. 30) open access (free!) for the journals listed below that may be
of interest for vertpaleo:



You can access the older issues by clicking Prev at the top of the
page in the links


Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology


The official journal of the Association of Australasian
Palaeontologist covering all aspects of palaeontology and its
ramifications into the earth and biological sciences.

Historical Biology


Provides a vehicle for developments in the sciences concerned with the
history of life through geological time and the biology of past
organisms, and seeks to encourage a diversity of approaches in this
rapidly expanding field.



The foremost aim of Ichnos is to promote excellence in ichnologic
research, publishing original papers upon the ethologic and ecologic
significance of tracemaking organisms; organism-substrate
interrelationships; and much more.


Journal of Systematic Palaeontology


Published on behalf of the Natural History Museum, JSP publishes
papers which use systematics in ways that significantly advance our
understanding of palaeogeography, palaeobiology, functional
morphology, palaeoecology, biostratigraphy or phylogenetic
relationships, as well as papers describing new or poorly understood
fossil faunas and floras.


Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology


also supplement issue


Published on behalf of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, JVP
publishes publishes original contributions on all aspects of the
subject, including vertebrate origins, evolution, functional
morphology, taxonomy, biostratigraphy, paleoecology,
paleobiogeography, and paleoanthropology.