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A new Doctoral Dissertation on Spanish dinosaur tracks
Ignacio DIAZ MARTINEZ defended his Doctoral Dissertation in Logrono
(La Rioja, Spain) on last 22 November.
The thesis was directed by Dr. Felix PEREZ-LORENTE (University of La
Rioja), Dr. Xabier PEREDA-SUBERBIOLA (University of the Basque
Country) and Dr. Jose Ignacio CANUDO (University of Zaragoza).
The Doctoral Thesis Committee was formed by:
- Dr. Humberto ASTIBIA (University of the Basque Country),
- Dr. Fidel TORCIDA (Dinosaur Museum of Salas de los Infantes, Burgos),
- Dr. Bernart VILA (University of Zaragoza),
- Dr. Gloria CUENCA-BESCOS (University of Zaragoza), and
- your humble servant, J. Ignacio RUIZ-OMENACA (Jurassic Museum of Asturias)
and we awarded a magna cum laude to the PhD candidate.
Congratulations to Mr. Diaz Martinez!!
The reference of the volume is:
Diaz-Martinez, I. 2013. Icnitas de dinosaurios bípedos de La Rioja
(Cuenca de Cameros, Cretácico Inferior): icnotaxonomía y aplicación
paleobiológica. Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de La Rioja, Vol. 1: 647
pp, Vol. 2 (anexos): 253 pp.
[translation: Diaz-Martinez, I. 2013. Bipedal dinosaur footprints in
La Rioja (Cameros Basin, Lower Cretaceous): Ichnotaxonomy and
paleobiological applications. Doctoral Dissertation, University of La
Rioja, 647 pp + 253 pp of appendices].
Jose Ignacio Ruiz-Omenaca
Museo del Jurasico de Asturias (MUJA)
E-33328 Colunga, Spain