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Re: Complaining

Only quadrupeds with arms at least almost as strong as the legs can gallop 
because during part of the cycle the arms alone are bearing load. If the 
arms are too slender to bear such high loads, as per hadrosaurs, then they can 
only be used as auxiliary power (adding maybe 10-20%) with the legs bearing 
most but not all of the load during a trot or pace. No person actually 
researching hadrosaur locomtion has every proposed galloping in the technical 
literature, and unless that happens no animator should violate scientific 
methodology and show it. 

Elephants can only amble, and cannot exceed 15 mph (measured from frequent 
races in Asia and recent studies of elephant locomotion). Same for 

There are a fair number of skin samples from a variety of sauropods and 
they all follow the typical dinosaur pattern. Animators should always stick to 
what is known when it is known, and not engage in speculation that can 
mislead audiences. The animators were probably just being lazy and did not do 


In a message dated 4/29/13 10:16:01 PM, keenir@hotmail.com writes:

<< No way, they trotted or paced using the arms to add some speed 
> and especially turning agility.

 how do you propose they use their arms to add speed, if you are arguing 
that they didn't put their weight on their arms?

> galloped like flexible backed quad mammals. Stegosaurs trotting when at 
> most they ambled like elephants.

Elephants can move pretty fast.

> The sauropods were walking with absurdly 
> flexed elbows. The sauropod skin was all wrong. Sort of like 
crocodilians. Why? 
> We have samples of sauropod skin.

 Skin from the same Genera or Family of sauropod?  Its possible that 
sauropod skin was as diverse as, say the skin of mammals, yes?

> >>