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Re: Sauropodz r kewl, but Ornithopod's Rewl WAS: silly conversation
Don't forget the palpebral bone. It makes all ornithopods look real badass!
From: "Barry George" <paleo@ncf.ca>
To: skeletaldrawing@gmail.com
Cc: "Dino List" <dinosaur@usc.edu>
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 11:29:00 AM
Subject: Re: Sauropodz r kewl, but Ornithopod's Rewl WAS: silly conversation
You guys are all very old-school... Ornithopods Rule!
Seriously, yes - prosauropods can rear up in an almost Charles R. Knightly way
...but the smooth scapulas, hybrid bi-pedal/quadrupedal locomotion mode and
functionally distinct hips (relative to theropods) give ornithopods that little
extra elegance...
...besides, they were also more numerous than everyone else (excepting
Ceratopsids in NA)
-Jonas Weselake-George
----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Hartman" <skeletaldrawing@gmail.com>
To: "Dino List" <dinosaur@usc.edu>
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 11:19:13 AM
Subject: Re: Sauropodz r kewl WAS: silly conversation on 2012 US presidential
I think you're all wrong; basal saurischians (especially
"prosauropods") are the bee's knees.
On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 10:17 AM, Michael OSullivan
<Michael.OSullivan@port.ac.uk> wrote:
> sorry kids, Ceratopsians are frankly so awesome it's not even funny
> ---
> Michael O'Sullivan
> Palaeobiology Research Group
> Postgraduate Student
> School of Earth & Environmental Sciences
> Burnaby Building
> Burnaby Road
> Portsmouth
> PO1 3QL
> Email:michael.osullivan@port.ac.uk
>>>> "Mark Witton" 13/04/12 3:28 PM >>>
> Mike,
> If I wasn't working on pterosaurs, I reckon sauropods would be my
> preferred research subject. Other dinosaurs are interesting and all, but
> sauropods definitely have an X factor that the others don't. Maybe it's
> because they seem to be incredibly unlikely beasts. The general bauplans
> of other dinosaurs seem less out of place compared to our modern fauna.
> The megatheropods are really just big birds, ornithischians are
> reptilian variants of modern livestock, but sauropods can't be neatly
> shoehorned into any modern context. Oh, and they're massive. Come on,
> admit it: we're all impressed with Big Things.
> Has there ever been a discussion of 'my favourite dinosaur' on here?
> It's _the_ dinosaur question most kids are interested in, but we seem to
> slip away from it towards adulthood. I'll bet every osteologically
> mature palaeontologist still has a favourite, though.
> Mark
> --
> Dr. Mark Witton
> www.markwitton.com
> Lecturer
> Palaeobiology Research Group
> School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
> University of Portsmouth
> Burnaby Building
> Burnaby Road
> Portsmouth
> PO1 3QL
> Tel: (44)2392 842418
> E-mail: Mark.Witton@port.ac.uk
> If pterosaurs are your thing, be sure to pop by:
> - Pterosaur.Net: www.pterosaur.net
> - The Pterosaur.Net blog: http://pterosaur-net.blogspot.com/
> - My pterosaur artwork: www.flickr.com/photos/markwitton
>>>> Mike Taylor 4/13/2012 2:05 PM >>>
> On 13 April 2012 13:49, Thomas R. Holtz, Jr. wrote:
>>> From: owner-DINOSAUR@usc.edu [mailto:owner-DINOSAUR@usc.edu]
>>> On Behalf Of Mark Witton
>>> I like sauropods, too. I always thought Dicraeosaurus was the
>>> mutt's nuts.
>> I'm an old-fashioned guy in this context: I'm an Apatosaurus fan.
> I have to say it warms my heart to see Scott going with Brachiosaurus,
> Mark with Dicraeosaurus and now Tom with Apatosaurus. Truly, three of
> the most outrageous and beautiful creatures ever to have walked the
> Earth. Not just because they're sauropods: but THOSE sauropods in
> particular. Only Xenoposeidon and Bronotmerus are more lovely.
>>> Seconding Scott's point (and those of several others). This
>>> isn't a forum for discussing politics, so this thread really
>>> should be put to bed.
>> Indeed!
>> In fact, I hear tell that there are places on the Internet where
> people can actually discuss politics all the time. Maybe instead of
>> infesting a forum on dinosaurs, the indvidual involved might take it
> over to one of those...
> I can only assume that Mickey and Mary are on holiday. Come back,
> M&M! We need you!
> -- Mike.
Scott Hartman
Scientific Advisor/Technical Illustrator
(307) 921-9750
(608) 620-4030
website: www.skeletaldrawing.com
blog: http://skeletaldrawing.blogspot.com/