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Course Introduction to Geometric Morphometrics
Dear Colleagues:
This is the first call for the course "Introduction to Geometric
Morphometrics". This course will be held in the Sabadell facilities of the
Institut Català de Paleontologia (Barcelona, Spain) on June 12-15 2012.
Instructor: Dr. Chris Klingenberg (University of Manchester, UK) and Dr. Jesús
Marugán-Lobón (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).
The course is entitled to teach the main concepts of shape analysis based on
landmark coordinates and its multivariate procedures, and how they can be put
into practice across any biological discipline in which the phenotype (form)
and its variation are the principal sources of information.
You can find more information at:
http://www.transmittingscience.org/introduction_to_gm.htm or writing to
courses@transmittingscience.org. This course has been co-organized by
Transmitting Science and the Institut Catalá de Paleontologia M. Crusafont.
With best regards
Soledad De Esteban Trivigno
Area de Paleobiología
Institut Català de Paleontologia
Edifici ICP, Campus de la UAB
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès
Barcelona. Spain