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RE: More on Knight etc
Besides which, it was E. D. Cope's design to begin with that influenced Knight.
Jane D
Dr. Jane P. Davidson
Professor of History of Art
University ofNevada, Reno
Reno, NV USA 89557
fax 775-784-6655
replies to: jdhexen@aol.com or to jdhexen@unr.edu
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-DINOSAUR@usc.edu [mailto:owner-DINOSAUR@usc.edu] On Behalf Of Ilja
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2011 11:33 AM
To: GSP1954@aol.com
Cc: dinosaur@usc.edu
Subject: Re: More on Knight etc
Hm, I wouldn't call Knight's Laelaps painting 'static' in any way - on the
contrary. And probably one of the single most influential paintings in shaping
even modern audience's attitude to dinosaurs. As much as being useful to
scientists, that is where 'paleo-art' (and other forms of scientific
illustration) becomes relevant: as a mode of communicating information to the
On 18 mrt 2011, at 16:27, GSP1954@aol.com wrote:
> The best painting Knight ever did is his saber toothed cat on the top of
> the cliff. When I saw it in a show at the Smithsonian it really hit me how it
> is a magnificent masterpiece. Also wonderful are a number of his murals. But
> it may be best to not always overstate his artistry. He had vision
> problems, and although it is remarkable how he overcame them it might have
> hurt. His
> work really degraded. His Nat Geo pieces were nice but nothing to write
> home about. Some pieces in the late 40s are not good.
> And his dinosuar paintings are rather static (he was able to put a lot more
> action in his mammals), all footsies usually on the ground. Dinos rather
> drab. Bodies sometimes flat (maybe from a real lack of full 3-D vision).
> Still I like and admire most of his stuff.
> I like to think that some of my art is comparable artsy wise to Knights'.
> Or maybe it isn't. As for current artists I don't claim to be the very best
> in sheer artistic technique (and am way behind Matternes when he is doing
> mammals, his attempts at dinosaurs did not work very well). What is true is
> that I consider myself the best at the combination of art quality PLUS
> scienctific accuracy in dinosaurs and certain other extinct beasts. As for
> other's
> art these days I do have a problem because I think my versions are more
> accurate so everyones else's dinos look kind off to me. It is a sad and
> tragic
> curse. Feel for me.
> Now let's see if any rant at me for being an evil ogre for stating my
> professional views.
> G Paul</HTML>