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RE: Alabama senator Hillary Herbert & birds with teeth

> Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2011 02:52:17 -0300
> From: augustoharo@gmail.com
> To: keenir@hotmail.com
> CC: paleeoguy@gmail.com; dinosaur@usc.edu
> Subject: Re: Alabama senator Hillary Herbert & birds with teeth
> 2011/1/24 Anthony Docimo :
> > I'm hoping I read that wrong....because what it sounded like, is the 
> > one-drop rule (or the "one bad apple ruins the wagon" saying). such as...
> >
> > * We can't use evolutionary theory, because Darwin and Wallace either 
> > married their cousin or a girl half his age.
> >
> > * We can't use rockets for anything, because Von Braun was a Nazi.
> >
> > * We can't read 'Sherlock Holmes' because Sir Arthur was a spiritualist 
> > suspected to be part of the greatest scientific hoax in human history.
> >
> > * etc.
> I do not get what you refer to. I said they were racists which
> contributed to propagate racist viewpoints in their societies, not
> that everything they said was wrong because of they being racists.
 it was the latter part of this sentance which I didn't pick up in the other 
> Nor
> do I ask we should violate their tombs, forget their legacy, or punish
> them (were it possible).
Then I did read your post wrong, and I thank you for clarifying your statement.