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When new ageism and palaeontology collide


Ever thought 'Jurassic Park' would've been better if the musical score
had been written by Enya? If you answered 'yes', you're in for a treat:
some chap has slowed down John William's theme music 1000 times and
posted the result online. If your home or workplace needs some new
ageing-up with a palaeo-bend, pop this on:


Personally, I'm finding the entire 54 minutes a little hard to stick
with, so I'm going back to my itunes library. May be of interest to
some, though.



Dr. Mark Witton

Palaeobiology Research Group
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Portsmouth
Burnaby Building
Burnaby Road

Tel: (44)2392 842418
E-mail: Mark.Witton@port.ac.uk

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- Pterosaur.Net: www.pterosaur.net
- The Pterosaur.Net blog: http://pterosaur-net.blogspot.com/
- My pterosaur artwork: www.flickr.com/photos/markwitton