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Fwd: Marsh's 1896 Dinosaurs of North America

Dear DML and VRTPALEO members,

Dana Vaughn has an original copy of Marsh's 1896 Dinosaurs of North
America, and would like it to go to a good home.  If interested,
please email her off-list at <vaughan@uwosh.edu>

(Forwarded with permission.)

-- Mike.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dana Vaughan <vaughan@uwosh.edu>
Date: 6 January 2011 17:49
Subject: Marsh's 1896 Dinosaurs of North America
To: mike@miketaylor.org.uk

Dear Dr. Taylor,

I googled the book title and author that appears in this email's
subject line because I have inherited an original 1896 copy in
excellent condition from my grandfather's library. I found a 2008
"hit" in which you are searching for this very volume, at
http://dml.cmnh.org/2008Sep/msg00126.html. ; That is why I am writing
you today.

My grandfather was Arthur Miller, Chair of Geology at the University
of Iowa for a long time. He was a paleontologist himself.  I would be
interested in finding this rare volume a good home at a fair price (a
paleontologist colleague in my department, David Dilkes, informs me it
has some value).

If you are interested or know someone who might be, please do contact
me via this email.

Thank you and Happy New Year,

Dana K. Vaughan, Ph.D.
UW Oshkosh Biology
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