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Flugsaurier 2010: 2nd Circular
Dear All,
Herewith the Second Circular for the pterosaur meeting 'Flugsaurier 2010'
scheduled for Beijing this summer.
If anyone wants the original circular with a properly formatted registration
form please email me (dmu1@le.ac.uk) or Lü Junchang (lujc2008@126.com).
Important dates:
Abstract deadline: March 31st, 2010.
Registration deadline: May 1st, 2010
Important factoid:
The registration fee of 450 US Dollars (200 for students and accompanying
persons) covers everything including hotel, meals and fieldtrip!
Flugsaurier 2010
Third International Symposium on Pterosaurs
5-10 August, 2010
Beijing, China
Second Circular
Pterosaurs are amongst the most fascinating and enigmatic of all extinct
creatures. Thanks to some spectacular fossil finds in recent years our
understanding of the palaeobiology and evolutionary history of these ‘flying
reptiles’ has seen several dramatic advances. Some of the most important
discoveries, including the first eggs with embryos, have been made in China
where Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous rocks are currently producing new species
of pterosaurs at a faster rate than anywhere else in the world. In recognition
of this, the Third International Symposium on Pterosaurs “Flugsaurier 2010”
will be held in China in August 2010. This will be the third international
pterosaur symposium and follows successful meetings held in France in 2001 and
Germany in 2007.
The meeting will be organized mainly by the China Geological Survey, sponsored
by the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, and
co-sponsored by:
China Fossil Preservation Foundation,
China Dinosaur Park of Changzhou,
The Bureau of Fossil Protection, Liaoning Provincial Department of National
Land Resources,
The Government of Beipiao City.
The meeting is planned for the 5th-10th August, 2010. Talks, posters, at least
one open discussion session and (subject to availability) examination of
specimens are planned for the first three days of the meeting. This will be
followed by an optional three day field excursion to view exposures of the
Jehol Group and exhibitions/collections of fossils from this sequence which has
yielded more than 100 specimens of pterosaurs in the last 10 years. All those
interested in pterosaurs and the communities and environments in which they
lived are encouraged to attend.
1. Meeting aims:
As in previous symposia, this meeting is intended to cover all aspects of
pterosaur palaeobiology and the world in which they live, including:
(a) The origin and evolution of pterosaurs
(b) Taxonomy, systematics and phylogeny
(c) Palaeobiology including anatomy, functional morphology and ontogeny
(d) Taphonomy, sedimentology and preservational environments
(e) Ecosystems and contemporaneous fauna and flora
2. Preliminary schedule:
August 5th
Up to 17:00 Registration (exact location will be given in the third Circular)
18:30-20:00 Reception (exact location will be given in the third Circular)
August 6th
09:00-9:40 Opening ceremony
10:00-12:00 Oral presentations
13:30-18:00 Oral presentations
August 7th
09:00-12:00 Oral presentations
13:30-18:00 Posters and specimen examination (or visit to Forbidden City/Summer
Palace/Great Wall)
August 8th
09:00-1200 Oral presentations/open discussion
13:00 Leave for Liaoning. Arrive Beipiao early evening.
August 9th
08:00-12:00 Visiting exposures of the Jehol Group.
14:00-17:00 Visit to Sihetun Fossil Museum.
August 10th
08:00-11:00 Visit to Chaoyang Geopark
1200: Return to Beijing.
19:00-21:00 Farewell party.
Oral presentations will consist of key-note lectures (45 minutes) and talks (30
minutes). These times include at least 5 minutes for questions and discussion.
Attendees can apply to deliver more than one talk and /or poster.
There will be at least one poster session (Posters should be prepared so that
they fit onto a board with maximum dimensions of 90 cm (height) X 120 cm
3. Abstracts and Symposium Volumes
An abstract volume will be prepared for distribution at the meeting. The
abstract submission deadline is March 31st, 2010. No abstracts will be accepted
after this date. Abstracts of up to two printed pages (A4; all text: Arial;
title: 14pt, all caps; authors: 14pt, bold; address: 12 pt, italics; text: 12
pt, single spaced) including figures and references if desired are preferred,
but longer abstracts will be considered. Preferred formats are “Word” for text
files and “JPG” for figures. A symposium volume is planned for publication in
2011 and will be open to both attendees and non-attendees, with preference
given to the former. The deadline for manuscript submissions will be December
31st, 2010.
4. Registration
Registration fee is $450 US for professional participants, $200 US for students
and accompanying persons. The registration fee covers all the costs of the
meeting: registration, the fieldtrip, accommodation for the duration of the
meeting (including the fieldtrip) and all meals.
Please send payment to (before the end of June):
Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences
ACCOUNT No. 0200001409008818443
Tel.: 008610-68999665
Please note:
Payment of fees at the registration desk can be done by cash (US dollars or
Chinese yuan). Credit cards and cheques can not be accepted.
All refunds (including non-attendance) will incur a 25% charge.
We will arrange accommodation for all attendees. If you have any questions
regarding accommodation, or would prefer to organize your own accommodation
please contact us immediately.
5. Symposium Committees
(a) Steering committee
Honorary Chairman: Wang Min
Chairman: Zhong Ziran
Vice Chairmen: Chen Xiaoning, Bai Xingbi, Dong Shuwen, Hou Zengqian
Secretary-general: Gao Jinxi
Vice-secretary-general: Yao Peiyi, Ji Qiang
Committee members: Ye Jianliang, Liu Fengshan, Ji Shu’an, Lü Junchang
(b) Academic committee:
Chairman: Unwin, David (UK)
Vice Chairmen: Ji Qiang, Lü Junchang
Committee members: Andres Brian (USA), Bennett Chris (USA), Buffetaut Eric
(France), Ji Shu’an (China), Kellner Alexander (Brazil), Dong Zhiming (China).
Academic Secretaries: Ji Qiang, Ji Shu’an, Lü Junchang, Lee Yuong-Nam, David
All correspondence (e-mail preferred), including any questions or suggestions,
should be sent to Lü Junchang and Dave Unwin:
Lü Junchang
Institute of Geology
Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences
Beijing 100037
e-mail: Yilong2010@gmail.com or: lujc2008@126.com
Tel: 0086-1068999707 (0), 00-86-13717801392
David M Unwin
School of Museum Studies
University of Leicester
19 University Road
Leicester LE1 7RF
Tel: +44 (0) 116 252 3947
e-mail: dmu1@leicester.ac.uk
6. Registration form
Mailing address
Zip code
Fax no.
Accompanying person(s)
Preliminary title(s) of talk(s)
Preliminary title(s) of poster(s)
Joining the field trip: yes/no
Other suggestions
Please complete and return this form (preferably as an email attachment) before
May 1st 2010, to Lü Junchang (Yilong2010@gmail.com or lujc2008@126.com) or
Dave Unwin (dmu1@le.ac.uk).
PS. If you need an invitation for visa purposes please contact Lü Junchang.