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Re: Paleo animation prize

David Krentz wrote:

> -Do the participants need to be members?
> - Does the work need to be done for research,
> or does entertainment or recreational work count?

Oops. I should have posted the entire entry. Here it is below. In the
past, AFAIK, non-SVP members have participated -- and won.

-- Donna Braginetz


John J. Lanzendorf PaleoArt Prize
More information can be found at:
An award given for outstanding achievement in paleontological
illustration and art.
NOTE:  Applicants for this award must use the John J. Lanzendorf
PaleoArt Prize Award Submission system.  Please see the above link for
more information about submissions for the John J. Lanzendorf PaleoArt
NEW!  Beginning in 2010, each applicant for the John J. Lanzendorf Award
can submit up to 3 entries/works of art per category.  See the John J.
Lanzendorf Submission site for more details.

NEW National Geographic Digital Modeling and Animation Award Category
The John J. Lanzendorf Paleoart Award is in its tenth year. To
commemorate that anniversary and SVP's 70th anniversary, the Lanzendorf
Awards will add a new category. This new category, sponsored by the
National Geographic Society will recognize talent and accuracy in 3D
computer modeling and animation. The Lanzendorf Awards have given prizes
in the categories of scientific illustration, two-dimensional art and
sculpture. With this new category, the Lanzendorf committee and the SVP
recognize the importance of this rapidly growing frontier of scientific
visualization for furthering science and public understanding.